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Star City, Void Harbor, a small ship slowly sailed out after receiving a routine inspection before quickly disappearing into the void.

After the ship left, Mo Mei slowly walked out from her hiding place and glanced in the direction the ship had disappeared, asking, “Which family ship?”

The disciple who was responsible for inspecting the flying ship reported, “The flying ship of the Gathering Smoke Territory Wind-Snow Sect's Ship.”

Mo Mei immediately took out her Universe Chart and examined it for a moment before coldly snorting, “The Gathering Smoke Territory and Heavenly Sword Territory are adjacent to each other, so it’s not too far away. They choose to go at this time. Truly loyal!”

As she spoke, she turned her head towards the direction of the Void Land and saw that the entire Void Land was wrapped in a thick mist. She knew that the Iron Blood Great Emperor from the Star Boundary was definitely preparing to break through to Open Heaven, otherwise the Nine Layers Heaven Formation would not have opened.

There were spies from Heavenly Sword Union in Star City, and she had discussed this with Yang Kai before. Just like how Yang Kai had arranged for Luan Bai Feng to join Heavenly Sword Union, Heavenly Sword Union would certainly do the same.

However, there were still many merchants who had stayed in the Star City, so the two of them were unable to determine which one the spy was.

This time, when the Iron Blood Great Emperor broke through to Open Heaven, he could alert the enemy.

When the Nine Layers Heaven Formation was activated, the entire Void Land was covered up, as if there was some kind of big secret that couldn’t be revealed. When the spies in the Star City saw this, they would definitely report it to Heavenly Sword Union, giving the Void Land an opportunity to investigate them.

What she saw now was completely in line with Yang Kai’s plan.

Not long after the Void Land's Nine Layers Heaven Formation was activated, the Wind-Snow Sect’s flying ship from the Gathering Smoke Territory had left the Star City. If it wasn’t to send a message, what was it? It had to be known that for a long time, the Star City’s Void Harbor had been completely deserted. No one had come or left, so Jin Yuan Lang and his group of disciples who were responsible for overseeing the Void Harbor had grown bored.

“Elder Fan!” Mo Mei called out.

Fan Wuxin quickly stepped forward and cupped his fists, “Viceroy!”

“Keep a close eye on this place. There’s definitely more than one rat. Anyone who wants to leave can be detained first. If there’s anything, tell them to come to the Viceroy’s mansion and tell me.”

“Yes!” Fan Wuxin replied solemnly.

Mo Mei glanced at the deep void again, wondering how much could be gained from this.

At the same time, in the Void Land, a group of people gathered around the Iron Blood Great Emperor and listened to him describe the feeling of breaking through to the Open Heaven Stage.

Although Yang Kai had previously asked many veteran Sixth Order Open Heaven masters to teach them some things they needed to pay attention to in order to advance to Open Heaven, having a newly promoted Iron Blood Great Emperor teach them was naturally more effective.

Perhaps one of them would encounter the same situation as the Iron Blood Great Emperor when they broke through. At that time, if they were prepared, it would be easier to deal with.

After a full day and night, everyone still hadn’t had enough, so Yang Kai had no choice but to interrupt them, “Senior Iron Blood just broke through and needs to consolidate his foundation. Let him rest for a while.”

Hearing this, everyone gave up.

From the Emperor Realm to Open Heaven, it was a huge leap in strength. The sudden increase in strength required some time to gradually adapt to, otherwise it would be impossible for him to display his full strength when facing an enemy.

The Iron Blood Great Emperor’s ascension to Open Heaven gave a good start, meaning that the cultivators from the Star Boundary had gradually stepped onto the stage of the 3000 Worlds.

For as long as half a year, or as short as three months, Yang Kai believed that there would be at least three or four more Sixth Order cultivators on Void Land’s side, Bustling World Great Emperor, Beast Martial Great Emperor, and even Fang Yue and Xiang Ying’s advancement to Open Heaven was only a hair’s breadth away behind Iron Blood Great Emperor.

Perhaps it was because they had been stimulated by the Iron Blood Great Emperor’s breakthrough, everyone returned to their respective rooms and immediately entered a state of seclusion. As expected, the two Great Emperors, Bustling World and Beast Martial, as well as Fang Yue and Xiang Ying, both requested Bian Yuqing to provide them with the last material of Sixth Grade Yang Element resource.

Bian Yuqing naturally agreed.

After everything was settled, Bian Yuqing came to Yang Kai’s side and whispered a few words to him.

Yang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, “Let’s go take a look.”

The two of them quickly arrived at a secret room.

Jin Yuan Lang immediately cupped his fists and greeted, “Sect Master, Second Manager!”

Yang Kai nodded slightly and swept his gaze across the crowd, only to see three people standing side by side in front of him, two men and one woman, their expressions somewhat panicked and somewhat forced to remain calm.

Jin Yuan Lang took a few steps forward and gave a simple report.

Yang Kai raised his brow slightly, “Gathering Smoke Territory, Wind-Snow Sect?”

Jin Yuan Lang said, “The Viceroy have already checked, this Gathering Smoke Territory is adjacent to Heavenly Sword Union, and I’ve been following their flying ship for a long distance, their destination should be the Flying Smoke Territory.”

Yang Kai nodded slightly, stretched out his hand, pulled a chair over, and placed it in front of him before sitting down and lifting his head to look at the three people in front of him.

The three people from Wind-Snow Sect were led by the half-grown old man in the middle. This man has good eyesight, so when he saw Jin Yuan Lang, a Fifth Order Open Heaven Stage master, act so respectfully towards Yang Kai, he immediately guessed Yang Kai’s identity and cupped his fists, “This must be the Void Land’s Lord, Sir Yang.”

Yang Kai nodded, “Yes, it’s me!”

The half-grown old man frowned and said, “May I ask Sir Yang if my Wind-Snow Sect has offended the Void Land in any way, why did you abduct us?”

Yang Kai asked lightly, “You really don’t know?”

The old man composed himself, “Please enlighten me!”

Yang Kai stared at him for a moment before saying, “Since you don’t know, you don’t need to know.”

With a flick of his finger, the World Force was in full swing.

Pop… The sound of a head exploding rang out as red and white matter sprayed out in all directions, the blood on the neck spurting out like a fountain.

Standing behind Yang Kai, Bian Yuqing’s body suddenly trembled, obviously frightened. It wasn’t that she had never seen a dead person before, but she hadn’t expected Yang Kai to act so decisively and take the old man’s life without any warning.

Jin Yuan Lang was also stunned for a moment, but soon he grinned fiercely.

Since Wind-Snow Sect was willing to act as Heavenly Sword Union’s spy, they were enemies, so there was no need for them to show any mercy to their enemies. Yang Kai’s actions were to his liking.

The Small Universe collapsed, and the power of a Fourth Order Open Heaven Stage suddenly dissipated. The headless corpse staggered and fell to the ground.

Yang Kai looked up at the remaining two and asked, “What do you know?”

The remaining man and woman only had the cultivation of Third Order Open Heaven. Seeing their strongest Fourth Order Open Heaven being killed so quietly, their faces immediately went pale and their courage shattered. The man’s two legs trembled as he begged for mercy, “Sir, please spare my life, Sir, if there’s anything you need, please ask. I will tell you everything i know!”

As if he was afraid he would die if he spoke too late, he spoke quickly.

Yang Kai turned to look at the woman again.

The woman’s face turned pale as she quickly expressed her stance, “This mistress is the same, if Sir has any questions, feel free to ask.”

Yang Kai nodded with satisfaction, “Good.”

Pondering for a moment, he said, “The one who tells me the most will live, the other will die. Elder Jin, take one out first!”

“Yes!” Jin Yuan Lang accepted the order and reached out to grab the man, ignoring his pleas for mercy and resistance as he walked out.

Yang Kai turned to the woman and calmly said, “You should understand what I want to know!”

The woman nervously swallowed her saliva as her breathing became erratic, her chest heaving up and down, her charming face wearing a flattering smile as she gently nodded, “This Mistress knows.”

Without waiting for Yang Kai to ask any more questions, she began speaking.

The great fear in her heart disturbed her thoughts, causing her words to become extremely disorganized. Moreover, she was afraid that she had spoken less than her companions, so she spoke whatever came to her mind.

Yang Kai listened with an indifferent expression, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking. The more he act like this, the more panicked the woman became.

After a long time, the woman finally stopped and looked at him with a timid expression.

As expected, these people from Wind-Snow Sect were spies planted by Heavenly Sword Union in the Star City. Wind-Snow Sect originally had a shop in Star City, so before Heavenly Sword Union sealed the Domain Gate, they had contacted them and asked them to monitor the movements of the Void Land, immediately reporting any news they received.

Previously, when they saw the Void Land's Nine Layers Heaven Formation open, they were unable to see what was happening inside, so they thought that something big was about to happen, so they prepared to go to the Flying Smoke Territory to report the situation, but they didn’t expect to run into Yang Kai’s trap.

“Is that all?” Yang Kai looked up at her.

The woman quickly shook her head, “No, Sir, this mistress and the others also didn’t want to do this, we were forced to do so. The Gathering Smoke Territory and Heavenly Sword Territory are neighbors, if we don’t comply, Heavenly Sword Union will definitely not spare us. My Wind-Snow Sect really has no intention of becoming enemies with the Void Land.”

Yang Kai ignored her pleas and continued, “The people that Heavenly Sword Union planted in the Star City are definitely not just your Wind-Snow Sect. Who else is there?”

The woman thought about it carefully before shaking her head, “This Mistress doesn’t know!”

“Think about it before you answer, otherwise if your fellow disciple says more than you, you won’t have a chance to see tomorrow’s sun.”

The woman’s eyes immediately turned red, “Sir, this Mistress really doesn’t know. Please spare my life, this Mistress is willing to do anything to repay Sir’s kindness. Please take pity on me.”

Saying so, she actually knelt down, climbed up in front of Yang Kai, lifted her snow white neck, and stared at him, her collar revealing a deep ravine.

Bian Yuqing couldn’t stand her foxy look and coldly said, “You may not know, but don’t you have any suspects?”

After hearing her reminder, the woman thought about it seriously for a moment before reporting the names of the two forces, “This Mistress doesn’t know if they are or not, but I’ve heard that they have many connections with Heavenly Sword Union.”

Yang Kai nodded, “I see.”

Giving Bian Yuqing a look, Bian Yuqing immediately turned around and called out.

A short while later, Jin Yuan Lang walked in with the man in his arms, ignoring the woman’s pleas and directly carrying her out.


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